Monthly Archives: gennaio 2019

  • Corso di Presepe artigianale

    Tecniche per la realizzazione di un Presepe artigianale. Il Presepe è uno degli oggetti più tradizionali della cultura italiana. Il Sud Italia in particolar modo ha una ricca tradizione nella creazione di presepi artigianali. Desideriamo accompagnarvi in questo percorso che vi permetterà di realizzare il vostro presepe artigianale seguendo le lezioni del nostro maestro. Giuseppe […]

  • Ceramic course: grafto technique

    In these lands of Calabria, once Greek colonies and therefore called Magna Graecia, the ceramic activity has always been ourishing and varied. In particular, in the area of Squillace the craftsmen created the technique of graffiti that was made on the still raw product. In this course you will learn this fascinating technique with which […]

  • Corso di Ceramica: Tecnica del graffito

    In queste terre di Calabria, un tempo colonie greche e pertanto chiamate Magna Grecia, l’attività ceramica è stata sempre fiorente e varia. In particolare nella zona di Squillace gli artigiani crearono la tecnica del grafto che si effettuava sul manufatto ancora crudo. In questo corso imparerai questa affascinante tecnica con la quale creerai un souvenir […]

  • Get away from the city, from frenetic rhythms and rediscover your life outdoors.

    This holiday name is a tribute to an old Billy Cristal’s movie: “City Slickers” where three men decide to spend a week in contact with nature and it lasts country life. We offer you a “country week” to do what you’ve never done. You will learn to ride a horse, drive a tractor, shear and […]

  • Handmade traditional crib course

    Techniques for the creation of a crafted crib. The Nativity Scene is one of the most traditional icons of Italian culture. Southern Italy in particular has a rich tradition in the creation of handmade cribs. We would like to accompany you on this journey that will allow you to realize your craft crib following the […]

  • Chiara Ferragni celebrates the 20th birthday of her “Aqua Allegoria” perfume in Calabria.

    The blogger Chiara Ferragni wanted to celebrates the 20th birthday of her “Aqua Allegoria” perfume in Calabria. The scent was made with the aroma of Bergamot, typical Calabrian citrus. This event demonstrates how important the Bergamot industry is at an international level. For the occasion, Guerlain wanted to celebrate in the homeland of the Bergamot […]

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