• WWF Oasis Day: a Sunday in nature

    Sunday May the 20th 2018

    Thanks to the WWF Oasis  in Italy, endangered species such as otter, wolf, Sardinian deer, lannerfish, aquatic turtles and various species of amphibians have been saved.
    Throughout the day the oases will be open in Calabria to the public free of charge, with special events that will allow you to get to know the hidden treasures of nature from North to South and admire ducks, hawks, deer, otters and knights of Italy. Guided tours, environmental education activities will be organized with the youngest, inaugurations of new paths and sight centers, outdoor lessons, the release of well-groomed animals, laboratories and birdwatching.

    Also this year the event renews the collaboration between WWF and forest carabinieri at the Festa delle Oasi and will join “RiservAmica 2018”, the event that opens to the public the 130 State Nature Reserves managed by the Grouping Carabinieri Biodiversità, now in its sixth edition.

    La Giornata delle Oasi sarà anche un tributo alla biodiversità del nostro paese, in vista della Giornata Mondiale della Biodiversità del 22 maggio, indetta dall’Onu per sottolineare l’importanza di preservare la ricchezza della vita sulla Terra.
    Il WWF aderisce alla Primavera della Mobilità Dolce (promossa da A.Mo.Do. – Alleanza per la Mobilità Dolce dal 21 marzo al 21 giugno) e invita tutte e tutti coloro che vorranno visitare le sue Oasi domenica prossima ad avvicinarsi a questi ambienti preziosi e delicati us ando preferibilmente le ferrovie turistiche e locali, le bicilette, i cammini storici e i sentieri, dando respiro all’ambiente, curando il proprio benessere e dando valore al tempo. Zaino, binocolo, scarpe comode e curiosità non possono mancare.

    La giornata di festa, alla quale ha dato la sua collaborazione il Parco Regionale delle Serre (gestore dell’area protetta), prevede visite guidate a cura degli alunni del Liceo Scientifico “Giuseppe Berto” di Vibo Valentia, che hanno aderito al progetto alternanza Scuola lavoro con il WWF, la liberazione di uccelli curati dai CRAS, attività di birdwatching.

    The Day of the Oasis will also be a tribute to the biodiversity of our country, in view of the World Day of Biodiversity of 22 May, organized by the UN to underline the importance of preserving the richness of life on Earth.
    The WWF adheres to the Spring of Mobility Sweet (promoted by A.Mo.Do. – Alliance for Sweet Mobility from March 21 to June 21) and invites all those who want to visit its Oasis next Sunday to approach these precious environments and delicate, preferably, the tourist and local railways, the bicycles, the historical paths and paths, giving breath to the environment, taking care of its wellbeing and giving value to time. Backpack, binoculars, comfortable shoes and curiosity can not miss.

    The day of celebration, which has given its collaboration the Regional Parco delle Serre (manager of the protected area), provides guided tours by the students of the Scientific High School “Giuseppe Berto” of Vibo Valentia, who have joined the project alternating school work with the WWF, the release of birds treated by the CRAS, birdwatching activities.

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