• Ceramic course: grafto technique

    In these lands of Calabria, once Greek colonies and therefore called Magna Graecia, the ceramic activity has always been ourishing and varied.
    In particular, in the area of Squillace the craftsmen created the technique of graffiti that was made on the still raw product.
    In this course you will learn this fascinating technique with which you will create a unique souvenir with your own hands.
    The 3 hour lessons will take place in the afternoon at the resort and all the necessary material will be provided for the realization, including the 22 cm plate on which you will apply the technique from a drawing of the tradition of Squillace.
    Then the dish will be brought into an oven for cooking and shipped home.

    The programme
    Day 1
    Arrival, accommodation. Brieng and planning of campus days.
    Day 2/3
    Short historical notes, demonstration of the teacher, decoration of
    a plate of 22 cm with a vegetable motif coming from the typical
    tradition of the squillacese grafto.
    Day 4
    Guided tour waiting for the dish to be cooked.
    Day 5
    Finishing of the grafti plate, now baked (by a draft of beeswax).
    The majolica, underglazed pottery .
    Brief historical notes, teacher demonstration, decoration
    of a typical object.
    Day 6
    Brief historical notes, teacher demonstration , creation of a small
    apotropaic clay mask.
    Day 7
    Delivery of diplomas, greetings and farewell party.
    The course price includes:
    The price of the course includes: theoretical and practical lessons, materials, attendance certicates, 7 nights half board, a guided tour, evening recreation, beach service, nal party.


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